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+351 800 500 485 (chamadas gratuites só de Portugal)
Seg a dom 08:00 - 19:00h

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Be Pride, Be Luxembourg




Partnership with Rosa Lëtzebuerg


It started over 50 years ago in a little bar called the stonewall inn,
where LGBTIQ+ folks started to resist against centuries of oppression.

Today, this history resonates around the world. It resonates in
moments big, and small. In voices old, and new.

Since 1996, Rosa Lëtzebuerg, a non-profit organisation has been
standing up for the LGBTIQ community in Luxembourg.

We at Luxair are proud to join our voices with Rosa Lëtzebuerg’s.


Join us in celebrating proudly!

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We at Luxair are proud to join our voices with Rosa Lëtzebuerg and show our support to the LGBTIQ+ community with well-defined activities, both internally and externally. We also want to convey, once again, a clear message, which encourages everyone to express their true personality and live their identity freely.

Luxair is launching a range of products to commemorate the event and encourages everyone to wear the Luxair colours for Luxembourg Pride Week, which will take place in Esch-sur-Alzette from the 3rd to 11th July 2021.

Among the products offered, customers will be able to discover: mugs, thermal bottles, T-Shirts, pins and "remove before flight" key rings. They will be available as of June 2nd, in the Luxair Travel Stores, in the departure hall at Luxembourg Airport and in Munsbach, 25 rue Gabriel Lippmann, Munsbach. All profits from these sales will be donated to the Rosa Lëtzebuerg association.

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