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+351 800 500 485 (chamadas gratuites só de Portugal)
Seg a dom 08:00 - 19:00h

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How much luggage am I entitled to?

Luggage and services

You are entitled as follows:

Free baggage allowance per person:

  • Infants   1 piece of baggage in hold up to 23 kg*
  • Economy    1 piece of baggage in hold up to 23 kg 
  • Business   2 pieces of baggage in hold of up to 32 kg per piece


  • LuxairTours Excellence 2 pieces of baggage in hold up to 23 kg per piece


Extra baggage allowances are available for our Miles and More frequent travelers, for further details please click here 
You are also entitled to carry one piece of hand luggage in economy class and two pieces in business class. Their dimensions should not exceed 55 x 40 x 23 cm and the maximum allowed weight is 8 kg. You can also take personal items such as a handbag (men’s or women’s), a laptop bag, a duty-free shopping bag, a camera bag or an umbrella.
Baby buggies or prams may be used up until you board the plane. They will then be returned either immediately after landing at the plane door or on the luggage belt. 


*Children under the age of 2 are entitled to one car seat or one stroller free of charge. 


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